
Showing posts from April, 2022

Creating our own meta layer & creating a custom helloworld application and adding it to our project using yocto

 Hello All, In my previous article we have seen that how to construct an embedded linux image for "qemux86-64" and verify its booting. In case if you have missed it, here is the link: In this article we are going to see how we can create our own layer and adding it to our project using yocto pre-requisite: You need to be familiar with my previous article as it shows the image construction and setting up the build environment link : what is a layer? Layer is nothing but a logical collection of related recipes Types of Layers: oe-core, BSP Layer, application layer Layer name starts with meta-, but this is not a technical restriction. Eg. meta-mylayer creating our own meta layer(meta-mylayer) using yocto project: step 1: source the environment  $  source ./oe-init-build-env build_x86 step 2: Inside build_x86 folder, ...

Constructing an Embedded Linux Image for qemux86-64 using yocto project

 Hello All, In this blog we are going to see how we can construct an embedded linux image for "qemux86-64" and verifying the booting using qemu(quick emulator) using yocto project pre-requisite:  you need to be familiar with my previous articles as it contains details of setup environment link to my previous articles: Building an embedded linux image for qemux86-64 using yocto project: Step 1: Download the Poky Source code $ git clone git:// $ cd poky step 2 : checkout to the branch dunfell   $ git checkout dunfell  step 3: download the meta-openembedded source code from github $ git clone   $ cd meta-openembedded  $ git checkout dunfell $ cd .. step 4: Inside the poky folder ,source the oe-init-build...