Adding libraries (pciutils,usbutils and util-linux) to our image using yocto project

 Hello All,

In this article we are going to see how we can add libraries like pciutils,usbutils and util-linux to our image using yocto project.

Before proceeding to this, you need to  be familiar with my previous articles , as it contains the necessary steps to create the build environment for qemux86-64 and steps to create our own layer.


Adding libraries (pciutils,usbutils and util-linux) to our image using yocto project:

step 1: switch to poky folder

$ cd poky

step 2: now switch to the directory build_x86/conf/

$ cd build_x86/conf

step 3: open local.cong file

$ vi local.conf and append the following lines as 

IMAGE_INSTALL_append += "util-linux pciutils usbutils" and save it

step 4: now compile the image as

$ bitbake core-image-minimal 

step 5: now boot the image using the command

$ runqemu nographic

and login as root user

step 6: On terminal, enter the command as

$ lsblk

step 7: on terminal, enter the command as

$ lspci

step 8: on terminal , enter the command as

$ lsusb

That's it now we have successfully added pciutils,usbutils and util-linux libraries to our target image and verified on qemux86-64.

Hope you enjoyed the article..!!


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