Integrating Dropbear SSH server and client to BeagleBone black using yocto project

 Hello All,

In this blog we are going to see how we can add support for dropbear SSH server and client to beaglebone black using yocto project and to verify the ping functionality from beaglebone black and host pc(x86).

pre-requisite: You need to familiar with my previous topic "Constructing Embedded Linux Image for BeagleBone Black using yocto project and booting it on QEMU(without using Hardware Board)" as it contains the setup details and environment to build and boot the image.

link to previous topic:

what is dropbear SSH server and client?

Dropbear is a relatively small SSH server and client. It runs on a variety of unix platforms. Dropbear is open source software, distributed under a MIT license.Dropbear is particularly useful for "embedded"-type Linux (or other Unix) systems, such as wireless routers.

more info about dropbear can be found here:

Adding Support of dropbear SSH server and client :

step 1: Inside build_bbb folder, open conf directory and inside conf directory open local.conf file

$ vi conf/local.conf

In local.conf file append the following lines

IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " net-tools dropbear"

step 2: now build the image using command

$ bitbake core-image-minimal

NOTE: build will take certain amount of time depending on your system configuration.

step 3: Now, boot the image as

$ runqemu nographic

NOTE: default username will be root and no password

step 4: run the command

$ ifconfig -a

this will show all the network interfaces available

step 5: from your host system(x86), ping the beaglebone black target as

$ ping

That's it now you can able to communicate with beaglebone black using dropbear SSH server and client.



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