Adding libraries to our image using package groups in yocto project
Hello All,
In my previous article we have seen that, how we can add the different libraries to our image using yocto project.
previous article here:
In this article we are going to see how we can add multiple libraries(packages) at the same time using the concept of package groups in yocto project
Before proceeding to this, you need to be familiar with my previous articles , as it contains the necessary steps to create the build environment for qemux86-64 and steps to create our own layer.
Adding libraries to our image using package groups in yocto project:
step 1: switch to our own layer (meta-mylayer/recipes-kernel)
$ cd poky/meta-mylayer/recipes-kernel/
step 2: inside recipes-kernel directory, create a folder called packagegroups
$ mkdir -p packagegroups
step 3: switch to packagegroups directory
$ cd packagegroups
step 4: inside packagegroups directory, create a file called "" file
$ touch
step 5: Edit the file as
$ vi
step 6: save and exit the file
step 7: now add this my-custom-packagegroup file to our image configuration file as
$ vi ../../../build_x86/conf/local.conf
step 8: Now compile the image as
$ bitbake core-image-minimal
step 9: now run the image as
$ runqemu nographic
step 10: now test our packages are available in our image as following
$ lspci
$ lsusb
$ lsblk
$ lshw
That's it now we have successfully integrated different libraries to our image using package groups.
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