
Showing posts from March, 2022

Integrating Dropbear SSH server and client to BeagleBone black using yocto project

 Hello All, In this blog we are going to see how we can add support for dropbear SSH server and client to beaglebone black using yocto project and to verify the ping functionality from beaglebone black and host pc(x86). pre-requisite: You need to familiar with my previous topic "Constructing Embedded Linux Image for BeagleBone Black using yocto project and booting it on QEMU(without using Hardware Board)" as it contains the setup details and environment to build and boot the image. link to previous topic: what is dropbear SSH server and client? Dropbear is a relatively small SSH  server and client. It runs on a variety of unix platforms. Dropbear is open source software, distributed under a MIT license . Dropbear is particularly useful for "embedded"-type Linux (or other Unix) systems, such as wireless routers. more info about dropbear can be found here:

Building Toolchain For Raspberry Pi using yocto project

 Hello All, In my previous post we have seen that how we can construct and embedded linux image for Raspberry Pi 4 using yocto project. Previous post link: In this post we are going to see how we can build a toolchain for raspberrypi4 using yocto project Pre-requisite is you need to familiar with my previous post(Constructing Embedded Linux Image for Raspberry Pi4 using yocto project) as it contains the setup details and required environment settings needed to build an image Understand the fundamentals of toolchain from here: Lets build a toolchain for Raspberry Pi4 using yocto project step 1 : Inside build_rpi folder, run the command $ bitbake meta-toolchain This will starts building our toolchain as per our specified architecture   NOTE: This will take considerable amount of time based...

Constructing Embedded Linux Image for Raspberry Pi4 using yocto project

 Hello All, In my previous article we have seen that how we can construct an embedded linux image for beaglebone black using yocto project and how to build a toolchain for cross compilation using yocto project. In case if you have missed my previous articles, you can find them here: In this article we are going to see how we can construct an embedded linux image for raspberry Pi4-64 using yocto project. pre-requisites: you need to be familiar with my previous articles mentioned above as it contains the setup details and environment settings to build the image.   Building an embedded linux image for Raspberry Pi4-64: Step 1: Download the Poky Source code $ git clone git:// $ cd poky step 2 : checkout to the branch dunfell   $ git checkout dunfell  step 3: downlo...

Building Toolchain For BeagleBone Black using yocto project

 Hello All, In my previous post we have seen that how we can construct an embedded linux image for beaglebone black using yocto project and boot it on QEMU(without using the actual hardware). In case you missed my previous post, you can view it from here: In this post, we are going to see how we can construct a toolchain for BeagleBone Black using yocto project. Before moving forward we need to understand few things 1. what is a toolchain? A . Toolchain a set of tools that compiles the source code in to an executables that can run on your target devices and includes a compiler, a linker and run-time libraries. 2. what toolchain will do? what is cross-compilation? All our applications are build on host system(such as x86) , but they produce binary code (executables) to run on different target(such as ARM). This process is called cross-compilation and it is necessary to build the embedd...

Constructing Embedded Linux Image for BeagleBone Black using yocto project and booting it on QEMU(without using Hardware Board)

 Hello All, In this post I want to explain about how we can construct an embedded Linux image for beagle bone black using yocto project and booting it on QEMU(Quick Emulator) without using the original hardware. Before moving in to the concepts, we need to get familiar with few things what is an yocto project? yocto project helps developers to create their own custom embedded linux distributions for any hardware architecture.  Its an open source project and it provides high quality infrastructure and tools to create embedded linux images More details about yocto project can be found here: Setting up the Build machine: Prerequisites ---------------- 1. 50 GBytes of free disk space 2. Runs a supported Linux distribution (i.e. recent releases of Fedora, openSUSE, CentOS, Debian, or Ubuntu).  3. Git or greater tar 1.27 or greater Python 3.4.0 or greater. Packages and package installation vary depending on your development system. (*)...